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Premis 2020 Manel Xifra i Boada
Premis 2020 Manel Xifra i Boada

ICFO receives the Manel Xifra Prize

The l’Escola Politècnica Superior de Girona and the Comexi Group grant awards to promote professional careers and the transmission of technical and technological knowledge

May 15, 2020

Each year, the College of Technical and Industrial Engineers of Girona and the Comexi Group, with support from the University of Girona, grant the Manel Xifra i Boada Awards as a reflection of their belief that the human factor is essential for technical, technological and economic development of the country. The Awards were created in 2005 with the aim of promoting and disseminating engineering by rewarding the best professional career and the transmission of technical and technological knowledge. In this, its 15th edition, ICFO is honored to receive this distinguished recognition.

The awards are given over four different categories: best professional trajectory; knowledge and tech transfer; research group or technological center; and recognition by the Board of Trustees of the UdG Polytechnic School for the best final project. ICFO is recognized in the category of reearch group or technological center.

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, the official celebration of this 15th edition of the award will be postponed until June 2021. Traditionally the celebration of the Manel Xifra i Boada Awards takes place during the “Engidiada”, a special annual event of the Col·legi de Graduats i d’Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Girona.